Thursday, May 24, 2012

Free and Forgiven

For we know that our old self was crucified with him so that the body ruled by sin might be done away with, that we should no longer be slaves to sin- because anyone who has died has been set free from sin. –Romans 6:6-7 (NIV)

In Romans 6, Paul is talking about the change that occurs when people grow in faith. He puts it this way: our old selves are crucified with Christ so that we are no longer slaves to sin but have in fact been set free from sin.

Well, if we are free from sin, then why are we still tempted by sin?

Let me offer an analogy (not necessarily a good one); it’s not an original thought but I have personalized it to my fit my own life.

My wife’s side of the family lives in Atlanta now but they are from Argentina. Spanish is their first (and in most cases primary) language, but they speak fluent English as well.

I, on the other hand, can’t speak a lick of Spanish. So when I visit my wife’s side of the family in Atlanta, they always try to remember to speak English around me. But at some point, someone will forget that I can’t speak Spanish and they’ll start speaking to me in their native language and I’ll have absolutely no idea what they’re saying.

When we have been crucified with Christ, we are no longer enslaved to sin. You might think that we’d never sin again. But we have lived in sin for so long and it’s just such a part of who we are, we continue to sin even when we don’t want to sin. It’s like my wife’s side of family speaking Spanish so long and so often that they sometimes speak in Spanish around me even when they don’t want to speak in Spanish.

When my wife’s side of the family realizes that they have spoken to me in Spanish, they’re quick to apologize and I’m quick to forgive (I know; I just need to learn Spanish). And I am thankful to be in relationship with a God who, when I realize I have sinned and apologize for it, is quick to forgive.

May God grant you the grace to experience the power of being freed from sin and forgiven today.

If you’re interested in reading through the Bible in a year, tomorrow’s suggested readings are Proverbs 1-3 and Romans 7.

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