Thursday, May 3, 2012

Actions Speak Louder than Words

I tell you the truth, the tax collectors and the prostitutes are entering the kingdom of God ahead of you. -Matthew 21:31b (NIV)

A few days ago, a friend of mine posted an article to Facebook that suggests that the less religious are more motivated by compassion than the highly religious. You can find that article here. I was reminded of that article as I read the assigned scriptures for this morning.

Jesus tells a parable about two sons. One son is asked by his father to go work in the vineyard. The son says that he will not go but then he decides to go anyway. The other son says that he will go but then never does. Jesus asks the chief priests and elders this question: which son did what his father wanted? The elders correctly reply that the first son did. More than just the correct response, their answer is an indictment against themselves.

Apparently the chief priests and scribes claim that they want to know and to do God's will but then they don't do it. They're like the second son in the story. Jesus points out that, like the first son who says that he won't go to the field and then does, tax collectors and prostitutes (considered the chief among sinners in Jesus' day) will enter into the kingdom of God ahead of the chief priests and elders.

As I reflect on this reading, I am reminded of how my actions and words should confirm each other. I'm reminded that actions so often speak louder than words. If I am going to claim to be a Christian, then my actions need to support my claim.

May God grant you the grace to know and do the will of God today and may your words and actions confirm it.

If you're interested in reading through the Bible in a year, tomorrow's readings are 2 Samuel 10, 1 Chronicles 20, and Matthew 22.

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