Monday, March 26, 2012

Your Part in the Body

You are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it. -1 Corinthians 12:27 (NIV)

A couple of weeks ago, nine people associated with our church went on The Walk to Emmaus. What is the Walk to Emmaus? It's a spiritual renewal weekend designed to develop Christian disciples and leaders. Participants on the walk, called pilgrims, are invited to experience God's love and grace in a special way, consider what it means to be more faithful followers of Jesus, and explore what it means to be the church. The weekend is wrapped in prayer, worship, and Holy Communion. Even though I had already been a pastor for years when I went on the walk and felt good about where I was spiritually, I left feeling even closer to God and intent upon serving God more faithfully.

One of the things that I appreciate most about The Walk to Emmaus (it's named after the scripture passage in Luke 24, not because you spend the whole weekend literally "walking") is that it is a wonderful example of what Paul describes in 1 Corinthians 12. The men and women who make the Walks to Emmaus possible represent all kinds of different denominations and spiritual gifts. Each person shares his or her gift and does his or her part to express our oneness as the body of Christ. Each person and each gift is important and indispensable. In the Emmaus community, we value the person working behind the scenes cleaning bathrooms as much as we value the one speaking to the pilgrims about God's love. The ones who provide food to nourish our physical bodies are as important as the ones providing spiritual food to nourish our souls. In Emmaus, people are encouraged to share what they do well for the wellness of others.

Obviously these things happen in the local church as well. But because Emmaus walks occur within a short period of time with small groups and with everyone working together, it's easy to see each part of the body working as one. It's a beautiful sight.

You are uniquely gifted by the Holy Spirit. Your contribution to the body of Christ is important and indispensable. Are you doing your part to keep the body of Christ functioning well?

May God grant you the grace to discern your role in the body of Christ and give you an eagerness to do your part. God calls you to be part of the body.

Tomorrow's readings are Judges 4-5, Psalm 39 and 41, and 1 Corinthians 13.

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