Wednesday, January 23, 2013

How's the Inside Looking?

You clean the outside of the cup and dish but inside they are full of greed and self-indulgence. Blind Pharisee! First clean the inside of the cup and dish, and then the outside will also be clean. -Matthew 23:25-26 (NIV)

In this morning's suggested scripture reading, Jesus is speaking to religious leaders who on the outside appear to be devoted followers of God and God's word but who on the inside have not been cleansed.

I appreciate the fact that Jesus often addresses his remarks to church leaders like me. As a pastor, it's important to be authentic. I try to acknowledge where I struggle in faith and life. I try not to act as if I've got it all figured out or as if I have it all together. But there is a lot of pressure on a pastor to be something we're not- to keep up an outward appearance that suggests we never have doubts or fears, temptations or trials. I've known a lot of pastors through the years who were wrestling with some pretty big demons on the inside, while from all outward appearances they were fine. Unfortunately, when these demons aren't brought to the surface and exposed to the light, they usually win.

And this doesn't just happen to pastors either.

Many times, the outside of our cup and dish appear clean...but we know (and so does God) what the inside looks like. Sometimes we try to convince ourselves that if the outside appears clean to everyone else and if only God can see what the inside of our cup really looks like, then we don't have to clean it. But the reality is that the outside won't stay clean if the inside is so filthy; sooner or later the filth inside the cup will contaminate the outside of the cup.

Jesus suggests that we shouldn't be so concerned about keeping the outsides of our cups clean if the inside is so dirty. He says that we should clean the inside first and then the outside will be clean as well.

How's the inside of your cup looking? May God grant you the grace to focus on the inside of your cup today.

Tomorrow's suggested readings: Matthew 24.

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