Monday, February 6, 2012

Just Beyond the Next Door

Please read Exodus 39-40, Leviticus 1-3, Psalm 15, and Acts 12 and 13 if you're interested in reading through the Bible in one year

You're out of your mind," they told her. When she kept insisting that it was so, they said, "it must be his angel." But Peter kept on knocking, and when they opened the door and saw him, they were astounded." -Acts 12:15-16 (NIV)

I have been trying to get away from the subject of prayer. It's an important subject, to be sure. It's just that I've talked about it a lot lately and I don't want people to start thinking, "Oh, goody. Another sermon or devotional on prayer" and then zone out on me. But if the last few days are any indication, God's not ready for me (or you) to move away from the subject of prayer just yet. Why do I say that? Well, when Ann mentioned a sermon idea about prayer for this past Sunday, I thanked her but said that I was going to move in a different direction. I got sick on Saturday afternoon and Ann had to fill the pulpit in my absence on Sunday. Guess what she talked about? Prayer. This morning, as I read the scripture readings for the past two days, the subject of prayer again surfaced. God must be trying to tell me something.

In our scripture this morning, Peter was arrested because of his association with the church. Many people gathered at the home of Mary, the mother of John Mark, to pray for him, presumably for his release. When Peter was freed from prison by a messenger of God, he went to the house where the people were praying and knocked at the door. When Rhoda, the servant girl who answered the door, went to tell the others that Peter was at the door, the praying people thought that Rhoda had lost her mind. They were astounded to learn that the one for whom they had been praying, was free and before them.

How often do you pray to God about something and receive an answer from God only not to believe it? How many times has God answered your prayer only for you to act surprised or astonished? May God grant you the grace to pray with boldness and to pray expectantly today. And may the answer to your prayer be just behind the next door.

Note: I've been sick this past weekend and that's why the devotional is a little late today. My apologies.

1 comment:

  1. Pastor Tommy, maybe God wanted you to give another message about prayer for me. I downloaded the app for Face Book on my Android the morning you posted this and although I'd never seen a link to your blog, there it was as I sat in my car with the baby I'm keeping, as we waited for her very late mom to get off work. The baby slept and I explored with my phone, and there was your blog. I read it and prayed boldly and expectantly about a personal matter. I had prayed before about this matter and had even had blessings from the Holy Spirit concerning my prayers, but like the frail human I am, I had given up hope. Your words spurred me to pray again, this time boldly and expectantly and with total faith that God heard my prayer. I was blessed with a warm feeling in my middle that I'd never had before, so from here on in, I am praying about this matter in great faith and expectation that God will answer this prayer in His time and as He wills it but with my good always in His heart. Thank you for "one more prayer message."
